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Lighthouse Resources

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Reclaim your time, focus on students and don't slave over resources that already exist. #SaveTeacherSundays #ReclaimTheWeekend




Reclaim your time, focus on students and don't slave over resources that already exist. #SaveTeacherSundays #ReclaimTheWeekend
See, think, wonder - Visible thinking Spanish culture starters

See, think, wonder - Visible thinking Spanish culture starters

Included in a pack of lesson starters which ask students to follow the visible thinking routine "See, think, wonder" to discover more about Hispanic culture. A great way of sparking curiosity and inquiry in the first moments of the lesson and developing critical thinking skills. Perfect for PYP/MYP inquiry based learning classrooms. Ask students only the following questions: 1. What do you see? 2. What do you think? 3. What do you wonder?
Reading Worksheet - Holidays  PRINTABLE

Reading Worksheet - Holidays PRINTABLE

This resource contains two worksheets: Spot the difference narrow reading worksheet. Bad translation worksheet. The activities reinforce the structures needed for the topic of holidays in the preterit tense in Spanish. It is suggested that students complete the spot the difference worksheet before attempting the bad translation sheet. *A narrow reading activity based on Gianfranco Conti’s principles, narrow reading activities are most effective when: They are near-identical in terms of patterns. They contain comprehensible input. They are relatively short. (Conti, 2017).* Find out more here: https://gianfrancoconti.com/2017/07/22/eight-narrow-reading-techniques-that-will-enhance-your-students-vocabulary-and-reading-skills/
Tradiciones de navidad - Spanish Christmas Traditions Lesson - Spanish Lottery Printable

Tradiciones de navidad - Spanish Christmas Traditions Lesson - Spanish Lottery Printable

An introduction to Spanish Christmas traditions starting with the Christmas Lottery. Students watch a 3 minute advert for the Spanish lottery and learn about this tradition. The advert focuses on Justino, a Spanish factory worker who works nights and whose colleagues show great kindness when they win the lottery at Christmas. Students respond really well to this clip as it is similar to the famous Christmas adverts they are used to (John Lewis, M&S, Coca Cola). This leads them on to do some research into other traditions in a mini inquiry project and home learning activity. Includes printable pdf worksheet to support research and inquiry, as well as Spanish lottery tickets to use as a bingo game and AFL tool. Suitable for KS3. My students love this lesson, I hope yours do too!